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The Top 4 Truck Maintenance Tips to Get You Ready for Summer


The busy spring and summer work season is finally here. Whether your work truck just finished a hard winter season or coming out of hibernation, you need to make sure it’s in top working order. The best way to make sure you’ve given your work vehicle a thorough inspection is to create a truck maintenance checklist. To get you started, we’ve put together the top 4 truck maintenance tips – follow these and your work vehicle will be road ready in record time.

First, inspect the systems that make your work truck go.

Check the battery. Following a winter of cold-morning starts, you’ll want to check the battery. Having reserve power to run the air conditioning and other vehicle accessories in the summer is priceless. When checking the battery, be sure to look for corroded terminals and a bulging or cracked case.

Check the belts and hoses. Belts and hoses under the hood play an important part in the proper function and performance of the engine. Prevent breakdowns or serious engine damage by replacing belts and hoses at recommended intervals.

Change your filters. The air filter protects the engine from airborne contaminants. Poor airflow within the engine hinders performance and can lead to greater fuel consumption. Likewise, a dirty oil filter or fuel filter can reduce your truck’s fuel efficiency and make it work harder than it should. Replacing dirty filters allow the unrestricted flow of air, oil, and fuel which helps ensure proper performance and longer life.

Change the oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the engine. Engine oil level should be checked often (check your owner’s manual for recommendations), and the oil must be changed and replenished regularly. Low or dirty oil can take their toll on your engine, especially under the extreme heat and conditions of summer driving.

Check all fluid levels. With the increase in miles driven during warm-weather months, vehicle fluids and lubricants should be checked often. Dirty or low fluid levels may affect the performance of a vehicle and can lead to breakdowns. Freshen and fill your fluids at the beginning of the busy season, refilling or replacing them as needed.

Then, inspect the ones that make it stop.

Check the brakes. Brakes are one of the most used (and often abused) components. A thin layer of the brake pad disintegrates every time the brakes are applied, so it’s vital to replace pads or shoes before drums or rotors become damaged. Check the pads, shoes, drums, rotors, calipers, fittings, and brake hardware, now and whenever you suspect that there may be a problem.

Check the tires. A safe ride starts when the rubber meets the road. Check air pressure on all tires, including the spare, as improper tire pressure leads to premature wear and a decrease in fuel mileage. The surface of the tire, both tread, and sidewall should be inspected for uneven or irregular wear. Rotate and balance as needed.

Check the shocks & struts. Your truck has just survived another pothole season; shocks and struts should be checked to make sure they’re still doing the job. Shocks and struts are not only important for a smooth ride, but they also wear and tear on your suspension and allow for better handling.

Inspect the other components that keep you safe on the road.

Inspect the other components that keep you safe on the road.

Inspect the windshield and wiper blades – Did winter leave your windshield worse for wear? Repair any chips or cracks in the windshield now to prevent them from spreading. Spring is also the perfect time to replace your wiper blades so you’ll have maximum visibility when you’re driving through spring and summer storms.

Check headlamps, tail lamps, turn signals and hazard lights – Properly functioning headlamps, tail lamps, and turn signals play an important role in safe driving, especially at nighttime or in rainy or foggy conditions. Not only that, they’re the law. Avoid a costly ticket: inspect and test all exterior lamps and lights, including turn signals and hazard lights, to ensure they are in proper working order and alignment.

Finally, check the equipment that keeps you in business.

Make sure your upfits are in good working order. If you have a dump bed, make sure it’s operating smoothly. Grease u-joint fittings and components – but make sure you’re doing it safely. Also, if you have gates, ramps, or elevated side panels, make sure they’re secure and ready for the season ahead. Also, if you have pumps, tanks, or sprayers, check them now to make sure they’re in good working order.

Want to update the upfit on your work vehicle?

Semi Service has many options for upfitting your truck, including systems for lawn and landscape services. Contact one of our representatives today, and we’ll design a package to fit your needs. Contact us online or give us a call at (800) 442-6687 to get started today!

Stay connected with Semi Service on Social Media and keep up-to-date on the latest seasonal tips and tricks!

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